The Best Hobby Can Be Creating A Recipe Book

Recently updated on September 16th, 2023 at 10:52 am

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Are you in search for a hobby? Like most, people yearn for a hobby. The desire to not be bored and to have something that they enjoy doing for themselves. I finally found the best hobby which turned our to be creating a custom recipe book! There is not another recipe book like it.

My Story…

Like most, the race against time everyday kept me from doing something for myself. I’d clean the house, fold laundry, make dinner, and hang with the family. There was not much time left for me most days. I was exhausted by the end of the day! When the time came and I choose to slow down from working 48 hours a week there was a lot more time for me. It was a strange feeling because I never had me time. I was always doing things for my family or my job. Now, with me time I needed to find a hobby to keep my sanity in line.

It was easy for my husband to find his hobby. He enjoys working out. When he was grumpy I would ask him “did you work out today?” and he would always say no. It was like his way to reduce stress and check his sanity. I wanted to have that go to hobby too so of course, I tried working out. Ha! That didn’t last. I mean being healthy and fit is good but I did not want working out to be my me time so I also tried;

  • Creating family photo albums on Shutterfly
  • Organizing the whole house
  • Couponing
  • Decorating & Painting Walls
  • Gardening
  • & More

The problem was they all came to an end! I felt like I was just adding more things to my to-do list. I gave up time and time again on finding a hobby.

One day, our family was on a mini-vacation and I picked up a sketchbook with some markers to try calligraphy. The paper was beautiful. It was more of a traditional older feeling paper with slight texture and weight. From there, I played around with writing different style fonts. The script type fonts were definitely my favorite. I truly enjoyed Calligraphy! By no means was it perfect but it was relaxing. The time came when I didn’t know what to write so after some exploring I figured why not write my favorite recipes since I was always looking for them anyways.

My first recipe was Cheesy Chicken Corn Chowder. It is a hearty dish! Our family loves to pair it with a local sourdough bread that’s made daily. You do not have to worry I’m not about to tell you to make the sourdough bread. Again, I’m definitely not skilled like that yet. I just like to make certain meals for myself and my family. The funny part is that I’ve made Cheesy Chicken Corn Chowder a number of times but every time I’ve needed to find the recipe. Finally, I don’t have to do that anymore because they are in my sketchbook.

Calligraphy recipe pages.

Who was I kidding! After writing almost 10 recipes I realized a stack of recipe pages was not going to work. I wanted to organize them by types of meals; breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner, or dessert so I began looking for a way to bind them. This was harder than I expected. I didn’t just want to hole punch them and put them in a binder, nor could I bind them permanently as I would be continuing to add recipes for years to come. I had stressed myself out again with another hopeful hobby.

Thankfully, it was time for a vacation! This time it was to my mom’s house. We were talking about the recipe pages I had stacked up at my house and she said “take a look at my planner. Maybe this will help.” She introduced me to a discbound book. Discbound books allows pages to easy be added and removed. It looks more like a book and less like a binder. I had never heard of them before which is surprising because I like to look at notebooks, planners, and any kind of organizational items when in every store.

At first, I thought it might not work because it looked like a notebook and everything that I could find for discbound were either planners or notebooks, but the best part about the discbound is you can easily create a book! I wanted something that looked professional, long lasting, and durable to my mess while cooking. It took some trial and error like anything else, but eventually I created a book for all my favorite recipes! Now, I want to share creating a recipe book with you and how it is the best hobby that you can do for the next 50 years.

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